Appointments required for all services and to shop for jewelry in person

Surface Piercings & Anchors

Piercing of flat surfaces is a rather new development in piercing, thanks to the technology of new jewelry options. While they can be successful, these are more challenging placements to heal and are more prone to migration and rejection. Proper piercing technique is crucial, as are placement issues like movement of the tissue, pressure from clothing, and snagging/trauma during healing.

For either of these options, the visible, decorative portion needs to be a flat, low profile option such as a disk or flat gem. Cluster options like trinities/trios, flowers, and pave disks also work well.


Surface Bars

A surface bar is a staple shaped piece of jewelry that allows piercing of a flat surface. Surface bars are closer to “standard” piercings and can be placed on many flat areas of the body.  This includes facial placements, like in front of the tragus and horizontal eyebrow, and on the sternum.


For these piercings to heal correctly, a proper surface bar must be used and the piercing must be shaped to fit the bar. When these are done with curved bars, they almost always reject.

Surface Bar, single

One piercing with a staple shaped surface bar. Longer lasting than surface anchors. Acceptable placements include: surface tragus, anti-eyebrow, horizontal eyebrow, 3rd eye/center forehead, below collarbone, center chest/sternum, and above hips. Jewelry priced separately.

$55 Service Fee, 30 minutes >

Surface Bar, two

Two piercings with a staple shaped surface bars. Longer lasting than surface anchors. Acceptable placements include: surface tragus, anti-eyebrow, horizontal eyebrow, 3rd eye/center forehead, below collarbone, center chest/sternum, and above hips. Jewelry priced separately.

$100 Service Fee, 45 Minutes >

Surface Anchors

A surface anchor (aka single point piercing or microdermal) is a piece of jewelry for flat surfaces with only one end. While it may seem that these can be placed anywhere, it’s important that they are placed in areas of low movement where snagging is not an issue. Otherwise, the lifespan of the piercing can be compromised. These piercings are considered “long term temporary” even in the best of circumstances, with an expected lifespan of 6 months to several years. We find that the best placements for these are around the eye area, near the center of the chest, or in back dimples if the dimples are prominent enough.

The internet may say that these must be surgically removed, but that is generally not true. We can usually remove them with standard piercing tools. The exceptions would be if the top falls off and the skin grows completely over the top, or low quality anchors that become damaged in the skin. In those cases, the jewelry would need to be surgically removed by a doctor.

Surface Anchor, single

Surface anchor/single point piercing service. These piercings are long term temporary. Acceptable placements include: around eye, center forehead, center chest, and back dimple. Jewelry priced separately.

$55 Service Fee, 30 minutes >

2 Earlobe Piercings, pair or 2 on one ear

Surface anchor/single point piercing service, 2 locations. These piercings are long term temporary. Acceptable placements include: around eye, center forehead, center chest, and back dimple. Jewelry priced separately.
$100 Service Fee, 30 Minutes >

Surface Anchor Removal, each

Standard surface anchor/single point piercing jewelry removal. Embedded or problematic anchors may require referral to a doctor for removal.

$25 Service Fee each, 15 Minutes >