We’re happy you’re looking for a quality piercing experience for your child! While your child is probably pretty excited about getting their first piercing, the experience can also be a bit overwhelming. We do everything in our power to make this process as smooth as possible.
Consent is key. We need to know your child really wants this permanent change to their appearance. We need to know that they’re brave enough to sit still during the procedure, as it’s completely unethical for a piercer (or a parent!) to restrain your child for a piercing.
It’s also important that your child understands their responsibilities in caring for their piercings, like not touching the piercings and proper cleaning. A child that isn’t ready to follow instructions can have serious complications like infections or serious scarring.
Earlobe Piercings for Younger Children

Piercing children can be very stressful for piercers. We really have 2 clients any time we pierce folks under 18, the parent and the child getting pierced. This can mean getting 2 people to agree on what jewelry to start with, and having to explain aftercare twice. Sometimes we have to work through family disagreements.
We also deal with the emotional stress of seeing your child in discomfort or pain. While this procedure tends to be about as intense as getting a shot at the doctor’s office, young children often don’t have life experience with physical pain. It’s difficult for them to understand what to expect, and it can be scary and stressful for them. Some kids have to cry for 10-15 minutes before they calm down enough to get pierced. Some kids scream when the first piercing happens and need time to recover before we can do the second piercing. Occasionally children will get worked up enough that we can’t do the piercing that day.
All of this means that we need extra time to perform these piercings. In order to keep the actual piercing appointment time to 30 minutes or less, the consultation will happen before the piercing is booked, and we’ll have you pick out and pay for the jewelry before the piercing so that we can have it sterilized and ready to go when you arrive. This also reduces wait times in the studio to help reduce nerves.
Our Piercers
- Use fully sterile, brand new equipment for each piercing
- Use our years of experience and training to give the most accurate piercing
- Carry multiple sizes of jewelry for a custom fit
- Use implant grade titanium or solid 14k/18k gold jewelry
- Use the gentlest technique to create a piercing with the smallest amount of damage possible
Piercing Guns
- Cannot be fully sterilized/decontaminated
- Are less accurate
- Use “one-size-fits-all” jewelry
- Use lower quality metal/plating
- Cause more damage

Important Considerations:
- It is NOT safe to swim during healing.
- Jewelry can’t be safely removed for sports during healing.
- Only child and one parent can be present at piercing. No siblings or other guests are permitted.
- Please bring a stuffed animal for support.
- Consider pulling hair away from ears for an easier piercing.
- Be sure to eat a good meal before the piercing.
- Parent will be in the room during the piercing process.
- We MUST have ALL 3 of the following paperwork:a valid government issued photo ID for the child, such as a passport or state ID card. We CANNOT pierce your child without this.
- a valid government issued photo ID for the parent attending the piercing
- proof of parental relationship, such as a birth certificate
- All IDs must be physically present and birth certificates must be originals or certified copies. We cannot accept photos or copies.
Step 1: Consultations

Step 2: Selecting Jewelry
Part of the consultation will be seeing jewelry in person and selecting it for your child.
The jewelry we use for new piercings may be a little different than you’re used to. We use a snap-together post with a flat disk on the back for greater comfort and an easier healing process. You’ll select what decorative option you’d like to heal the piercings with.
We offer this jewelry in 2 materials: implant-grade titanium, and solid 14k or 18k gold.
Implant grade titanium is a material that was developed for orthopedic implants like hip replacements and bone screws. It has decades of research showing its biocompatibility. While being exceedingly safe, titanium is a bit darker than other white metals like silver or white gold.
Our gold offerings are solid 14k or 18k and are free of problematic metals like nickel or cadmium. Gold has been used for piercings for thousands of years and has a much higher luster than titanium. The decorative gold front can be combined with matching solid gold posts or you can select titanium posts as a cost savings.
Titanium Jewelry Options
Pair of titanium earrings with cabochon gem for new piercings

Pair of titanium earrings with hearts for new piercings

Pair of titanium earrings with moons for new piercings
Pair of titanium gem flower earrings for new piercings
Pair of titanium prong-set earrings for new piercings
Gold Jewelry Options with Titanium Posts
Pair of yellow gold prong-set earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Pair of rose gold prong-set earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Pair of white gold prong-set earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Pair of yellow gold dome earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Pair of rose gold dome earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Pair of white gold dome earrings with titanium posts for new piercings
Gold Jewelry Options with Solid Gold Posts
Pair of yellow gold prong-set earrings with gold posts for new piercings
Pair of rose gold prong-set earrings with gold posts for new piercings
Pair of white gold prong-set earrings with gold posts for new piercings
Pair of yellow gold dome earrings with gold posts for new piercings
Pair of rose gold dome earrings for new piercings
Pair of white gold dome earrings with gold posts for new piercings
Step 3: Book Piercing Appointment
Once you’ve completed your consultation and picked out jewelry, it’s time to book the piercing appointment. At the end of your consultation, if our piercer feels confident that your child is ready for the piercing, they will offer to book your piercing. We currently offer these services on weekday evenings with limited availability. We do not offer these piercings on the weekends (Friday/Saturday/Sunday).
If you’d like to book without a consultation, we only have one slot per week on Wednesday evening that can be self booked. You must purchase jewelry from this page BEFORE booking the appointment, or we will cancel your appointment. This appointment type is non-refundable the same day as the appointment, even if your child backs out of the piercing. If you self-book the piercing, DO NOT book a consultation.
Step 4: Day of the Appointment
- At your appointment time, we’ll send you a text message when we’re ready for you to come to the door.
- We’ll document you and your child’s IDs and birth certificate.
- You’ll both enter the piercing room. Your child will lay back in the piercing chair and you’ll be seated in the guest chair. Then the piercer will:
- Explain the piercing process to your child
- Mark placement of the piercings with a surgical marker
- Clean the ears with iodine to prevent infection
- Go over aftercare instructions.
- Change into sterile gloves and prepare jewelry for piercing
- Ask your child if they are ready for the piercing and ready to be still. We *cannot* proceed until your child says they are ready.
- Pierce first ear
Let them recover and get ready for side #2 - Pierce second ear
- Clean both ears with cool sterile water
- Last, we’ll finish and send you on your way