We’re happy you’ve decided to give your child a great piercing experience. What we offer here is likely much different than what you experienced as a child and what you’ll find in “piercing gun” establishments.
One of the biggest differences is that we do not use piercing guns. Our process uses tools specifically designed for piercing, which provides a safer, gentler, and more accurate experience for your child. Here’s more information from the Association of Professional Piercers (APP). Everything we use is sterilized for each procedure and properly disposed of afterward. Nothing is used from person to person for safety.
Piercings for Children & Teens

Jewelry has also been improved. “Starter studs/earrings” are a thing of the past. We offer a range of earrings/studs in implant-grade titanium or solid 14k/18k gold with disk backs for more comfort and easier cleaning. This initial jewelry is safe to wear for a lifetime, and many prefer this style for daily wear in healed piercings.
Suggested aftercare has changed as well. Gone are the days of harsh, burning chemicals like alcohol/peroxide/etc. and twisting/turning your jewelry, ‘cause that just hurts! And it’s not good for your piercing. Our recommended aftercare focuses on protecting your piercing and allowing your immune system to heal. You can read more here.

General Policies for Children & Teens
- For anyone under 18, we are required to have additional paperwork. We must have ALL of the following for each piercing:Valid photo ID of person getting pierced, such as a passport or Georgia State ID card (click here for information on how to apply for a state ID card). (We are not able to use school IDs or military IDs.) If your child does not have a picture ID, we CANNOT pierce them.
- Valid photo ID of parent who will be present during piercing.
- Birth certificate to prove parental relationship. We also need legal documentation of any name changes, if names on documentation do not match IDs.
- All IDs must be physically present and birth certificates must be originals or certified copies. We cannot accept photos or copies.
- Only children under 18 getting pierced are allowed in the studio. No siblings or other guests are permitted.
- For those under 18, we will only perform one piercing service at a time.
- The parent attending must be in the piercing room to witness the piercing procedure.
- Jewelry is always priced separately from piercing service fees.
Important Considerations:
- It is NOT safe to swim during healing.
- Jewelry can’t be removed safely for sports during healing.
- Consider pulling hair back for the piercing procedures.
- It’s not safe to receive piercings when taking certain medications, including Accutane™ and other retinoids.
- Be sure to eat a good meal before the piercing.
- Earlobe piercings have an average healing time of 3-4 months.
We do not pierce babies and likely never will.
First, babies cannot consent to the procedure. While ear piercing may not seem like a big deal, it is a permanent change to your child’s appearance. We feel it’s important for the child to be old enough to ask for this permanent scar and to understand what that means to them. Bodily autonomy is a very important concept to us, and we feel that performing piercings on children without their consent violates that.
Children’s ears also change size and shape significantly the first few years of their lives. This makes placing piercings on babies in such a way that they will be centered, even, and attractive difficult if not impossible. We redo many, many piercings on older children and adults to fix bad placement from being pierced as a baby.
For these reasons, we feel that it is worth waiting until the child is a little older.

Children ages 5-9
As this process can be a bit overwhelming for younger kids, we’ve developed a special protocol. We’ll have you and your child in for a consultation to make sure your child is ready for the piercing process.
Children over 10 years old & Teens
For children and teens ages 10-17, we offer standard earlobe piercings. We find that kids in this age group do not need a separate consultation. Please see the Policies section above for required paperwork.
Single Earlobe Piercing
A single (one side) earlobe piercing for children and teens ages 10-17. This could be in a first piercing placement or higher up the lobe. Jewelry priced separately.

2 Earlobe Piercings, pair or 2 on one ear
1 piercing on each lobe (pair), or 2 piercings on one earlobe/side. This could be a first set of piercings, or higher up the lobe. Jewelry priced separately.

Teens ages 16-17: Cartilage, Nostrils, & Navels
For teens 16 and older, we offer the simple earlobe piercings above, as well as nostril piercings, navel piercings, and various cartilage piercings like helix, tragus, conch, etc. Please see the Policies section above for required paperwork.
Helix & other cartilage: 6-9 months
Nostril: 6 months or longer
Navel: 6-9 months
Cartilage PIercing, ages 16-17
A single piercing in the cartilage for ages 16-17. This appointment covers simple helix, forward helix, tragus, conch, or daith piercings. Jewelry priced separately.

Double Helix Piercing, ages 16-17
2 helix piercings for ages 16-17. Placement can be towards middle of ear, as in photo, or toward the crease/outside. Both piercings must be on same ear. Jewelry priced separately.

Nostril Piercing, ages 16-17
A standard side nostril piercing for ages 16-17. Left or right side, initial jewelry will be a post. Jewelry priced separately.

Industrial Piercing, ages 16-17
Industrial piercings connect 2 cartilage piercings with 1 barbell. This piercing is very anatomy dependent. We recommend a consultation before the piercing to make sure one of the options available will work with your anatomy. We’ll discuss what jewelry options are available. Jewelry priced separately

Navel Piercing, ages 16-17
Navel piercing for ages 16-17. We strongly recommend a consultation before booking this piercing services, as about 30-40% of folks have a navel that cannot successfully be pierced. For some individuals, a bottom/lower navel works better, or a top piercing with a low profile bottom, sometimes called a “floating navel piercing.” Jewelry priced separately.

Piercings We Cannot/Do Not Perform Under 18
While it may seem obvious, we must state that we cannot and will not pierce the nipples or genitals of those under 18. It is illegal and unethical. Anyone offering these services is no true professional.
We do not offer oral piercings like lip or tongue piercings on those under 18. First, these piercing present a risk for permanent damage to teeth and oral tissue (read more from the APP). We feel that risk is not warranted on someone who may not fully understand the permanence or possible cost to fix the damage. Second, touching the mouth of someone under 18 is enough of a legal grey area that we are not comfortable offering the service.
Other piercings are either not covered by our liability insurance, are more difficult to pierce, or have additional risk.